Why Does My Car Make Noise When Turning Right But Not Left?

If you’ve noticed that your car makes noise when turning right but not left, you’re probably wondering what could cause it. Well, the most common explanation is that your tires are wearing down unevenly, and the uneven wear creates vibration and noise in your wheel when turning right.

But this isn’t always the case, so here are some other reasons why your car makes noise when turning right but not left and how to fix it!

The Car Makes Noise When Turning Right Only.

If your car makes a noise only when turning right, it’s likely due to an issue with the CV joint. The CV joint allows your wheels to turn while your car is in motion, and they’re located on either side of your vehicle.

If the CV joint on the right side of your car is damaged, it can cause a loud clicking noise every time you turn the wheel. Sometimes, you may even feel vibrations in the steering wheel or seat.

You can try rotating the tires to see if the problem will disappear, which may fix the problem if worn-out tires are on one side of your car. However, if this doesn’t work, you’ll need to have your CV joints inspected by a professional as soon as possible before more damage occurs.

How To Fix The Problem And What Are The Causes

If your car makes a noise when turning right but not left, it could be due to a few different things. First, check to see if your tires are properly inflated and have enough tread. If they’re worn down, they could be causing the noise.

Why Does My Car Make Noise When Turning Right But Not Left?

Another possibility is that your suspension is off balance. This can happen if you hit a pothole or something similar. To fix it, you’ll need to take your car to a mechanic and have them adjust the suspension. They may also change some parts to prevent this from happening again. 

One possible cause for your car’s noise when turning right but not left is that one of your brake pads may rub against the wheel, which causes an annoying sound. You’ll want to get this looked at as soon as possible so you don’t damage any other vehicle parts by driving with a worn brake pad.

There are a few causes your car might make noise when turning right but not left. 

Also, Read Squeaking Noise While Driving But Not Brakes Applied

Here Are Some Things To Check

1. The most common reason is that something is binding in the suspension or steering system. Check to see if there are any loose bolts or connections. 

2. It could also be an issue with the power steering fluid. If it’s low, it could be causing the pump to work harder, which would make noise. You can try adding more fluid and checking again. 

3. There may be an air bubble in the brake lines. Have a mechanic take a look at them to rule out this possibility. 

4. You may have faulty brake pads, rotors, or drums that need replacing. 

5. Your wheels could be warped, so you’ll want to get them balanced or replaced.

6. An object may have gotten stuck in the wheel well and is moving around as you drive, making noise as it bangs against other parts of the vehicle. Look under the wheel wells for anything unusual and remove it.

The Steering Rack And Pinion Could Be Broken

One possibility that your car makes noise when turning right but not left is that the steering rack and pinion could be broken.

This would cause the wheels not to be able to turn as smoothly, resulting in a louder noise. Another possibility is that the power steering fluid could be low, causing the steering wheel to be harder to turn. 

Why Does My Car Make Noise When Turning Right But Not Left?

If you suspect that your steering rack and pinion could be broken, it’s important to get it checked out by a mechanic as soon as possible.

You don’t want to drive around with an unsafe vehicle! Adding more fluid into the reservoir can fix low-power steering fluid.

How Much Does It Cost To Fix This Issue?

If your car makes a noise when turning right but not left, it could be an issue with the CV joint or axle. This is a relatively common issue and one that is usually not too expensive to fix.

The average cost to fix a CV joint or axle is between $200 and $400. If you notice the noise has gotten worse recently or if you hear grinding sounds as you turn in either direction, this could be a sign of serious damage.

In those cases, it may cost more than $1,000 to fix and need immediate attention.

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How Long Can I Drive With This Noise When Turning?

If your car is making a noise when turning, it’s important to have it checked out as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the issue, driving with this noise can cause further damage to your car.

Why Does My Car Make Noise When Turning Right But Not Left?

If the noise comes from your tires, you may have a flat or a hole in your tire. If the noise comes from your engine, it could signal engine trouble. It may also be caused by metal rubbing against metal, indicating an axle problem.

You should also have your car look at if the noise comes from any other parts like brakes or suspension. Though sometimes noises are normal for cars and won’t require additional action, having your car inspected will give you peace of mind.

If the noise only happens when turning in one direction, it could be something as simple as needing new brake pads on one side of the vehicle or something more serious like a bent tie rod end.


1. Why does my car groan when I turn the wheel?

There are a few reasons your car might make noise when you turn the wheel. It could be something as simple as low power steering fluid levels or a more serious issue like a problem with your suspension system.

To figure out what’s going on, you should take your car to an auto repair shop and have them diagnose the problem for you.

2. What does a bad steering rack sound like?

A bad steering rack can produce various sounds, depending on the severity of the problem. If the rack is worn out, you might hear a creaking or groaning noise when turning the wheel.

You might hear a popping or clicking sound if the rack is damaged. In extreme cases, you might even hear a grinding noise.

In any case, if you hear any unusual noise coming from your steering system, it’s important to have it checked out by a professional as soon as possible.

3. How can you tell which wheel bearing is bad?

If your car makes a noise when turning, one of the wheel bearings is likely bad. There are a few ways to tell which bearing is causing the problem. One way is by listening to the noise from either side of the vehicle.

Another way is checking whether the steering becomes stiffer on one side. A third option is to look at how much wear and tear has accumulated on each set of tires, as they will have more wear and tear on them if there’s an issue with that particular wheel bearing.

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